Divorce is complicated, especially with children involved. When a child grows up to a lavish lifestyle, it can affect how much support the court decides on. Knowing how these factors influence legal decisions helps how you can manage child support issues. How does...
Child Custody
When divorcing parents disagree on teen driving or type of car
Custody discussions can involve many issues, no matter the age of the child or children. With teenagers in high-asset divorces, one point of contention may be whether the parents should allow their teen to drive. Another could be the type of car the teen drives. The...
Parentification harms children
It is normal to expect children to contribute to the household through age-appropriate chores. This helps them learn life skills and develop a sense of responsibility. However, there are cases where this contribution crosses the line to foisting parental and adult...
Addressing denied parenting time
Child custody battles can be emotionally challenging. This is especially true when one parent denies the other their rightful parenting time. Parents getting a divorce should understand the different types of child custody arrangements and how to navigate the...
Understanding child support modifications
Child support payments are not always set in stone. In Ohio, support modifications are permissible under specific circumstances. To prepare yourself for this possibility it is important to be aware of the conditions which may require you to increase your child...
Gender bias and its impact on child custody decisions
Child custody disputes can be emotionally charged and complex, with numerous factors influencing the court's final decision. One such factor that has garnered significant attention over the years is gender bias. Gender bias refers to the unfair treatment or favoritism...
Unpaid child support and business travel
Child support is money that parents have to give to support their kids. Not paying child support can cause problems, even for wealthy people who often travel for work. Entrepreneurs who owe child support and those working through a high-asset divorce should understand...
Does an ex-spouse’s new partner have rights over his children?
The American Community Survey reports that although the rate of remarriage after divorce has decreased 50% since 1990, men are more likely than women to marry again. Of every 1,000 men, 35.1 married a second time, compared to 19.4 women. A common concern in these...
Who pays for educational tuition in a high net-worth divorce?
Divorce proceedings among affluent couples are often complex. This is particularly true with financial matters such as funding children's education. Decisions about who pays tuition expenses vary based on circumstances. It can be helpful to review every matter...
A guide to co-parenting plans
Parenting after divorce can feel like uncharted territory for many former spouses. That is why developing a comprehensive co-parenting plan is so important, as a solid plan can guide you and your family through uncharted waters. A co-parenting plan outlines how...